Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Change your life Now!

Change your life

Change the way you think. Improve your self.

Your mind is not you.? Not your soul is!
You have no personality.
Your mind is the make up like a programed recording of past events to whom you have become. 
that voice in your head, that chit chats , Thinks and make decisions. 
Are you happy with the out come?

Its hard I know from experience in this day and age to cope and make dreams come true. 

The laws of attraction and self belief and being open and reason, These are tools that we need to sharpen to find are way. 

Everything is not going to come at once or happen over night. 

Do not despair when things go wrong, They all happen for a reason, no matter how hard and painful they may seem. 

You’re are the make up your own upbringing and what others around you have programed you to become. From either fear or wanting, to be like those who have influenced you to whom you have become.
Some people are copycats, some find and follow heroes, or others withdraw and become zombies, depressed, as they have no control over their minds.
I do it myself, letting society rule what I am to do. But why? WHY?

Change you life and tell yourself what you want, your mind is not you!
Your soul is you.
Look in the mirror and tell yourself where you want to go and who you want to become.

Depression is mostly a make up of thought of pulling yourself down. That life has nothing to give that noone wants you, or that you don’t want it!  

the fact is : universal law , something must give to bring new light, an arrow has to be pulled back to go forward, You cup must be emptied before it can become full again.

If you tell yourself-negative things, you will start to believe and develop more negativity. The magic of self, programming the mind is incredible, once you have managed your mental thinking, however, by telling your mind to do something and not your mind telling your brain and body something it does not like doing, Say to yourself, “I will, I love , I like , I enjoy, and can do”
You will find change in your life. To hell what others think of you, however,
By changing the way you think, will change the way others perceive you.
More so, reflect on you making you feel so much better.

You heard the saying, what goes around comes around.
Giving strokes, compliments.
Being guilty, being narrow minded and thinking something else, then being open and aware of others then just my self.
Simple words.
I am enough, and make it so by telling other who feel they are not worthy. Say to them or give them confidence by saying you are enough.

Practice this as soon as you awake. When you go through your day, and when you tuck yourself in to sleep. Say to yourself  I will do what i need to do, I have the power to achieve my goals. 

Think of the power of now. Focus on your mind and why it is so negative. What is affecting you and avoid it. If your finding it hard to change, then try making other peoples lives better. Stop the negative; stop the bad thought. the lies, the ego, the threats and selfishness of thinking "I want I need, I must have and change it to “I am enough, that I have the power to do what I want to do, in doing so will make others feel better too”, you will start to feel how this changes your life.

When I start my martial arts club. It will not just be focusing on fighting or defence. I will be holding motivation classes of mind programming, to gain mental strength to bring you awareness of your self and self-healing., as I have done over the years and still have to do often in to days negative world, refer to for strength.

Some funny and enjoyable workshops, reflecting and discovering your inner self, with some meditation for mind control.
Exercises to prove how you can tell your mind to let your body do more, just be telling yourself to do so.

“Nothing is impossible unless you make it so”, said Bruce Lee
And many more positive thinkers, those who achieve great things and keeping it great.

I discovered one very negative role model that I now have related to that became my down fall of familiar.  Becoming paranoid of other reaction or none reaction to needs. How I landed up back here in England losing everything only to learn and discover where I went wrong, making a fresh start in life again.
Bless him, but for what he left us was not what we wanted, Robine William’s, I had related to, to what he was saying about being with so many people at a party, reflecting  to how he felt, so isolated and alone, as the party guests all played on their phones, Instead of listening to a joke or story. He fell into deep depression, after recoding several messages, to express how this digital world has changed and brought about separation and lack of conversation and socialism. He then took his own life.

Ok I know what your thinking! He was suffering with his illness. He was renown for being a depressant.
In making people happy by making the laugh, was  what helped him through life. When that became hard to do, due to the barriers of modern communication. Bobine Williams had nothing more.
However after he started putting out the negative truth of how many of you have become controlled by your games and phones, unaware of how it has changed your life and the lives around you.
I too fell into that entrapment of doom and gloom wanting loved ones to stop and wake up. It crushed me.
My mind took over with anger, Instead of cherishing the moments they were not using the phone or playing the game, as I should have put out positivity and compliments and love, and diverted that negative.
Yes This is how that horrid unseen force gets to us, a chain reaction.
It only take a positive reaction to make a change!
You know FB readers who read my words, I have said this before.
Many of you say how strong I have become from what I have gone through. It does make us stronger if we are ready to make a stand to our own folly and pull out of submission to negative thought.
Start by avoiding negative input, to what people say or tell you. Avoided negative TV programs of hate and shouting. The news is one of the worse negative mind controlling programs that posses the mind with out you knowing, You glut for more, “ I need to know” WHY ?

I my self our am proud to have done all that I have done, I may have lost my house, but that house was getting me down.

As many of us reach 50s and over. Time speeds up. Friend and loved ones pass away.
Life gets shorter and starts to feel that your energy is less and less. That you just wish something better would happen. Some wish it would all go away.

Fear not or fear anything! As you can and will change how you feel by practicing what I have said and by acting on it to day, “don’t knock it till you tried it”, as the saying goes, and how true that is. Those who dares wins.
If you do not try, you will never know.
When you try, keep trying so it becomes a habit and time will make you near perfect what you do, or become an expert.

By saying you don’t like something will make your mind and body not like it.
By saying  you can’t you already have made up your mind. You will not or don’t want to.
Therefor you never will.

So change the way you think. Most people hate change, and the way you live is just a  habit. The mind recognises and plays out everyday rolls as what it recognises to be comfortable. Shake out of it, and take a step further.

Be bold and chose what you want to do. Make choice!

Self record your self and how you sound and reflect on others, why do you get the cold zone or brush off. Why is it that you get negative reaction?
Have you ever stopped to ask your thinking WHY?

If you do something or get asked to do something. Say no problem and do it full heartedly.
If you tell your self you don’t like it, you will just stew and build more dislike to the task.
This will be come a phobia, Each ill though give a chemical reaction, the after time make you ill.

For example. A typical task.
A businessman gets asked,
“Take out the bins”. He thinks “Yuck, I don’t want to do that its filthy, not my job”. The more he thinks of the job the more he feels hate for it, and that feeling goes out to others. Where the general job boy picks it up and take it out, JOB DONE! washes has hands, No problem. Has a smile on his face and everyone round him feels good too.
How long did it take for his mind to start going in to depression mode?

You are the make up of your own doing thinking!
Tell yourself to think positive and change it!

Some of you may have read my book The Infinite Way.
I have much work to complete on it.
Those who have will remember the script on “DON’T BE A TEA BAG”
The same as do not let yourself be a puppet by letting society control your strings.
With all the negative media that is being fed to us. With so many growing negative, people that are being fed, to growing more negative thinking to bring one self to near  boiling point. You do not need to ad to it, By letting it bring you down.

Free your self.
You are the make up of your own doing thinking!
So tell yourself to think positive and change it!

Just to ad some more thought, how often do you see a quote and a slogan or words of wisdom a prayer. Many refer to God as a means of hope and a crutch thinking that God has all the answers to resolve your problems, . perhaps if you pray and tell 
yourself to change and to help god changing you , the angels my guide you, but you must help yourself.

Secondly as for all the other post we all have liked and shared.
Is that as far as it goes?

Honestly how many of you take notes, digests, and acts on what you read?

YES! Think about it. Be truthful to yourself. Who controls what and what controls who?

Dont think about why, And the money, live as if you already are rich. Love and be loved. Eventually everything good will unfold, 
If you fear failure , Failure will happen. fear breads disease in many forms. fear not and progress and prosper. 

Books to read The power of now and this one 

Thank you for reading and please click like and share ha ha.

Thought and written by Gary Bridger


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